Veteran Artist Le Thanh Thu Dies at 65 after Testing Positive for COVID-19

Painter Lê Thánh Thư, a leading artist in the fine arts of the South, died on July 16 in HCM City two days after testing positive for COVID-19.

Thư was born in Bình Định Province in 1956. He began his career in 1982 after studying painting on his own. His became quickly famous among art lovers. He first exhibition was organised at the HCM City Fine Arts Museum in 1989.

His paintings featured his love for the country and its people, and left a very strong impression on critics and viewers.

Thư won several top prizes presented by national and international fine arts organisations, including the Việt Nam-Phillip Morris prize in 1996 and 1998, the ASEAN Fine Arts Awards in 1998 and the National Fine Arts Awards in 2005. 

He took part in more than 40 solo and group exhibitions at home and in 20 countries such as Singapore, Thailand, Japan, Australia, France and the US. 

His works are collected by Vietnamese and foreigners. Some of them are displayed at fine arts museums in Việt Nam and Singapore.

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