Do Hoang Tuong interview for Post Vidai
Post Vidai, perhaps the most important collection of cutting edge contemporary Vietnamese art in the world, recently conducted an interview with Do Hoang Tuong, a shared artist of the two collections.
Post Vidai is a unique collection that focuses on the transitional development of Vietnamese contemporary art since ‘Doi Moi’, Vietnam’s ‘great’ economic reforms of the late 1980s. Post Vidai collects both the internationally recognized and as yet unknown pioneers whose perspectives of Vietnam give critical reflection of a country in the process of defining and re-defining its cultural identity. In Vietnam, there is no public institution that collects contemporary Vietnamese art. Aware of the need to give support to these critical voices, Post Vidai not only acquires their works, but also aims to generate dialogue in the articulation of a new Vietnam as a diasporic community.
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